Last weekend, I snuck down to Denver to enjoy Fancy Tiger's annual local Holiday Handmade craft bash. With such an amazing slew of talented makers, it was a real treat! Several topped the list, they are:
Mukee Design, they take recycled skateboard decks, turning them into jewelry and totally hip belt buckles.
The Kansas City Kitty girls were totally amazing, Christie is the artist who makes the adorable faux fur Friendly Monsters.
Lindsay at Earthlings Pet Care had a great selection of handmade pet toys and accessories.
Rachel of Affinitas Apothecary (affinitasapothecary@gmail.com) blends luxurious salves, tub teas and other herbal delights-her training includes Western as well as Ayurvedic medicine. One item that made me more curious was tumeric infused honey. Whoa.
Knitty Knitty Bang Bang is a cute company making knit scarfs for dogs and kitties.
All Good Wishes is Heide Murray's company, luckily I have taken one of her felting classes-she is so gracious to share her super talent. She is a pro needle felter, offering kits for making some of her designs.
& Kiwi & Company knits superb handbags
This year Holiday Handmade was was held in the beautiful
South Broadway Christian Church with gorgeous floral stained glass windows, soon to be refurbished pipe organ and wonderfully hospitable Pastor Mark.
Lest I forget, one of the highlights was sweet treats by Sugar Bakeshop If you missed it this year--don't miss it next!
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